Web Design Discussion > General Web Design Discussion

Misc: two missing sources (SD and UT)


So I happened to be browsing the acknowledgements page, and noticed that the Utah Highway Referencing Interactive Map https://maps.udot.utah.gov/uplan_data/documents/HRO/ and the SD Interactive Road System Map http://sdbit.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=93bd565a70a94f138f90ceed29ce1b12 were missing.

Not sure where this goes.


--- Quote from: the_spui_ninja on January 18, 2018, 10:09:57 pm ---Not sure where this goes.
--- End quote ---
I've moved the topic to "General Web Design Discussion", as the file to edit is in the Web/ repo on GitHub.

I'm unfamiliar with these states -- were these sources used by the contributors maintaining UT & SD?

I used them when I reported errors; also there's no sources at all on the site for Utah right now.

Utah should definitely have some sources listed.
I'm a few pages into skimming the system thread on the CHM forum, and not seeing any clear indicators of anything used statewide. Don't think I have the attention span to continue with that right now.
I'll let those responsible for those states decide whether the links in the OP (or whichever others) should be included.


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